This process with puppies really works. Here is some of the puppy potty training tips which I used on my puppy, but you can teach old dogs go to the bathroom as well with these instructions. Many puppies can hear the words that are repeated on what you want them to do. For example, whenever the puppy is released to relieve himself and you say “go potty”.

1) If you do this puppy potty training then your puppy will quickly associate the word “go potty” to relieve herself. This will help and provide proper training to your puppy to go potty on command. The word association is one of the best ways to train your puppy.

2) If your puppy goes to the bathroom in the house then you should start saying “No, go outside”, then take your pup outside. Never yell at your puppy when he does not know he has done something wrong as this will only make them feel scared. Be sure to praise when your puppy do the right thing and appreciate them. After a while, your puppy will get use to that word for something they should not do in the house, but outdoors.

It is not actually needed to spank your beloved puppy if you are training him. The puppy will associate and learned the word ‘no’ to avoid acquiring bad behavior and learn to go outside to help himself relive rather than do it inside the house.

3) The first thing you need to do is get the puppy and tell him to go to his potty place. The puppy must stay out until he is done. You can continue to teach the puppy the training until he finally does his stuff on his own outside the house. Make sure that you praise your puppy for doing a good job. After a while the puppy will learns that going potty outside can actually makes you happy.

4) You must choose a specific location for the puppy potty training that would suit your needs as well as the needs of your puppy. With the right place, your puppy will participate in this very important training.

Consider these details regarding puppy potty training and you will surely have a well trained pup in no time!

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